Uses of Class

Packages that use RecordFormatter

Uses of RecordFormatter in org.makumba.commons.formatters

Methods in org.makumba.commons.formatters with parameters of type RecordFormatter
 void FieldFormatter.checkParam(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String name, String val)
 void FieldFormatter.checkParams(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String FieldFormatter.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Format the object to pure text.
 String dateFormatter.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String ptrFormatter.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String intEnumFormatter.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String timestampFormatter.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String FieldFormatter.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the not-null-object to pure text.
 String FieldFormatter.formatNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Format the null-object to pure text.
 String FieldFormatter.getDefaultValueFormat(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Gets the formatted default value, used if real value is null.
 String FieldFormatter.getEmptyValueFormat(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Gets the formatted empty value, used if real value is empty.
 String FieldFormatter.getExpr(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 int FieldFormatter.getIntParam(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams, String name)
 String FieldFormatter.getIntParamString(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams, String name)
 void FieldFormatter.initExpr(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String s)
 String FieldFormatter.resetValueFormat(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String s, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Chooses between the real (formatted) value and possible replacements (default, empty).

Uses of RecordFormatter in org.makumba.forms.html

Subclasses of RecordFormatter in org.makumba.forms.html
 class RecordEditor
          Editor of Makumba data.

Methods in org.makumba.forms.html with parameters of type RecordFormatter
 void FieldEditor.checkParam(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String name, String val)
static String binaryEditor.fileInput(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  int dateEditor.findNextFormatter(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, StringBuffer sb, String format, int n, boolean hidden)
 String binaryEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String booleanEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String dateEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String choiceEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String ptrEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String textEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String FieldEditor.format(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  void dateEditor.formatComponent(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, StringBuffer sb, Date d, String fmt, int component, boolean hidden, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  int dateEditor.formatFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, StringBuffer sb, Date d, String format, int n, boolean hidden, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String FieldEditor.formatHidden(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String FieldEditor.formatHiddenValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in hidden input statement.
 String binaryEditor.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String intEditor.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String charEditor.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the input-field in case of not-null object
 String textEditor.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String binaryEditor.formatNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String charEditor.formatNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the input-field in case of null object
 String textEditor.formatNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String booleanEditor.formatOptionTitle(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
abstract  String choiceEditor.formatOptionTitle(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
          Gets the title/label of option 'i'.
 String ptrEditor.formatOptionTitle(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 String charEnumEditor.formatOptionTitle(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 String booleanEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object val)
abstract  String choiceEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object val)
          Formats an option value.
 String ptrEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object val)
 String charEnumEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object val)
 String booleanEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts, int i, Object val)
abstract  String choiceEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts, int i, Object val)
          Formats an option value, in the sequence of options.
 String ptrEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts, int i, Object val)
 String charEnumEditor.formatOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts, int i, Object val)
 String errorEditor.formatShow(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParam)
 String FieldEditor.formatShow(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String intEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
 String booleanEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
 String charEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
 String ptrEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
 String textEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
 String FieldEditor.formatValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Formats the value to appear in an input statement.
(package private)  String dateEditor.getComponentName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, int i, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  String dateEditor.getComponentName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, int i, String suffix)
 int booleanEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
abstract  int choiceEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
          Gets the default size of the select HTML box.
 int ptrEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 int setEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 int setcharEnumEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 int charEnumEditor.getDefaultSize(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
static String FieldEditor.getExtraFormatting(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
static String FieldEditor.getInputID(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
static String FieldEditor.getInputName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
static String FieldEditor.getInputName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String suffix)
 String charEditor.getInputType(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  String dateEditor.getNullName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
(package private)  String dateEditor.getNullName(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String suffix)
 Object booleanEditor.getOptions(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
abstract  Object choiceEditor.getOptions(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Get the available options.
 Object ptrEditor.getOptions(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 Object charEnumEditor.getOptions(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 int booleanEditor.getOptionsLength(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts)
abstract  int choiceEditor.getOptionsLength(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts)
          Gets the number of available options.
 int ptrEditor.getOptionsLength(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts)
 int charEnumEditor.getOptionsLength(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object opts)
 Object booleanEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 Object setintEnumEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
abstract  Object choiceEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
          Gets the value of option 'i'.
 Object ptrEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 Object charEnumEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 Object intEnumEditor.getOptionValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object options, int i)
 String charEditor.getParams(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String textEditor.getParams(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
static String FieldEditor.getSuffix(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 Object choiceEditor.getValueOrDefault(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Return value if not null, or finds the default option and returns it as a Vector.
 int intEditor.getWidth(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 int charEditor.getWidth(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 boolean booleanEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
abstract  boolean choiceEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
          Returns blank string, or " multiple " if multiple selections possible.
 boolean ptrEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 boolean setEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 boolean setcharEnumEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 boolean charEnumEditor.isMultiple(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
(package private)  boolean textEditor.isTextArea(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 void ptrEditor.onStartup(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 void FieldEditor.onStartup(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
 Object intEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters par, String suffix)
 Object booleanEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters par, String suffix)
 Object dateEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters pr, String suffix)
 Object setintEnumEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters par, String suffix)
 Object ptrEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters p, String suffix)
 Object setEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters p, String suffix)
 Object realEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters par, String suffix)
 Object intEnumEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters par, String suffix)
 Object FieldEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters p, String suffix)
          Reads, converts and validates the value present in the HttpParameters, for the FieldEditor indicated by the given index.
 Object intEnumEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters p, String suffix, boolean allowMultipleValues)
          allowMultipleValues indicates that we still require an integer type, but we accept multiple values
 Object FieldEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, HttpParameters p, String suffix, boolean allowMultipleValues)
          As FieldEditor.readFrom(RecordFormatter, int, HttpParameters, String), but if indicated, then allowing multiple values of the type, which might be needed e.g. for certain types/editors in search forms.
 boolean choiceEditor.shouldRemoveNullValue(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex)
          Null values are ignored
protected  Integer FieldEditor.toInt(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o)
protected  Double FieldEditor.toReal(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o)

Uses of RecordFormatter in org.makumba.list.html

Subclasses of RecordFormatter in org.makumba.list.html
 class RecordViewer

Methods in org.makumba.list.html with parameters of type RecordFormatter
 String FieldViewer.formatMaxLengthEllipsis(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, String s, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
          Returns a substring of maximum length by cutting at the end; if cut, an ellipsis is added on the end.
 String textViewer.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String binaryViewer.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String booleanViewer.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)
 String charViewer.formatNotNull(RecordFormatter rf, int fieldIndex, Object o, Dictionary<String,Object> formatParams)