Package org.makumba.commons

Interface Summary
SingletonHolder Simple interface that makes it possible to release singletons (by e.g. nullifying their static reference) for classes that use Singletons so that GC can occur.

Class Summary
ArrayMap This class exports an Object[] array as a dictionary
AutoCompleteServlet This servlet figures out a list of possible values given a beginning string on a field of a given type.
ClassResource This is a utility class which simply returns the URL of a java resource.
ControllerHandler This is an abstraction of the filter mechanism.
DbConnectionProvider A group of database connections, at most one per database name.
FileUtils Gathers file related utilits.
GraphTS Graph which can do a topological sort of its elements.
LongData This class accumulates a stream of data, and if it gets long, it automatically saves it in a file
MakumbaJspAnalyzer This class analyzes a JSP taking into account the specifics of Makumba tags.
MakumbaResourceServlet This servlet provides resources needed by makumba, e.g.
MakumbaTLDGenerator This class generates the Makumba TLD files based on the documented TLD XML file.
MakumbaToolsControllerHandler Handle access to makumba tools, like the UniquenessServlet.
MultipleKey Holds the values for a group of fields.
NamedResourceFactory This models a factory for named resources.
NamedResources An instance of this class holds a cache of resources.
NameResolver This class provides utility methods to convert names from MDD types into their name in the data source.
ParseStatus Class used to store the status of the parser
ReadableFormatter Formats argument in a readable (meaningful) way
RegExpUtils This class provides several constants which are parts of patterns, and some methods for testing.
ReservedKeywords Utility class containing all kind of reserved words which may cause problems if used as e.g. field names
SerializedGenericMultiValueMap<T> This class provides a serialized version of MultiValueMap, and adds generics support.
ServletObjects A wrapper to pass on ServletRequest and ServletResponse, used on the ControllerHandler, to allow implementing classes to modify them and be subsequently used in the FilterChain.
SoftNamedResources A NamedResources that keeps its resources as soft references
SQLPointer A SQL pointer, represents a pointer as a long, but only an int is needed...
StringUtils This class provides utility methods for String manipulation.

Exception Summary
RuntimeWrappedException Wraps an exception to throw it further as a RuntimeException.
WrappedException Wraps an exception to throw it further as a desired exception type. stacktraces of this exception will actually print the stracktrace of the wrapped exception.