Package org.makumba.devel

the makumba developer support, such as MDD, JSP and Java viewers.


Interface Summary
SourceViewer shows a file JSP or MDD file that refers to MDDs, and shows the references to other MDDs and Java files as links the file is already known and open when parseText is called

Class Summary
checkForeignKeys Opens given database tables; if allowed to, this would also trigger alter commands.
CodeGenerator This class generates code from a DataDefinition.
CodeGeneratorTemplate This class defines a template for JSP files generated by the code generator.
DataObjectViewerServlet /** This class shows a single object from the DB.
DataPointerValueConverter This class provides an interface to convert Pointer values from DB values to the external form and vice-versa.
DataQueryServlet This class implements a query interface in OQL to the database.
DataServlet This class provides basic functionality for data viewing and querying servlets.
DataToolsControllerHandler Handle access to the data tools.
DataTypeListerServlet This class lists data for a specific MDD, resp. displays an MDD broswer if no MDD is passed as parameter.
DevelUtils This class combines some methods to print pages used by various developer support tools in package org.makumba.devel.
ErrorControllerHandler This handler lets the request go to the filter chain and then catches all kind of exceptions after it.
ErrorFormatter The class that performs exception handling.
errorViewer the error viewer.
GeneratedCodeViewer Implements servlet-based an interface to CodeGenerator, and displays the generated JSP code.
javaViewer the java viewer.
jspViewer This class implements a viewer for .jsp files, and provides highlighting of , and JSTL tags.
LineViewer a viewer that shows everything per line
logicViewer The java logic finder visualizer.
MDDRelationVisualiser A (not-ready) class to visualise the relation of data definitions.
MDDTypeConverter This class provides a developer tool to convert from single relational or enum types (intEnum, ptr) to set types (setIntEnum, set).
mddViewer This class implements a viewer for MDD syntax highlighting.
open Opens given database tables; if allowed to, this would also trigger alter commands.
ReferenceChecker Developer support servlet that checks for the existence of broken references (foreign keys) on the database.
SourceViewControllerHandler invoke the necessary SourceViewer, depending on the type of the source the architecture should change, and be organized in filters. example: jspx and jsps: JSP syntax colouring | Java linking | MDD linking | line numbering | header java: Java syntax colouring | Java linking | MDD linking | line numbering | header mdd: syntax_colouring | MDD linking | line numbering | header jspxp: JSP syntax colouring | line numbering | makumba reduction | java linking | mdd linking | header It's not difficult to get the current architecture to work like that.
SystemServlet This class offers a way for web applications (like Parade) to communicate to the makumba webapp.
TagExceptionServlet Displays the error processed by ErrorFilter in a servlet.
WebappJSPAnalysisCrawler Analyses all JSP pages of a webapp and writes the found erorrs to a file.
WebappJSPAnalysisCrawler.JSPFileFilter A file filter that accepts JSP files and directories.
WebappJSPQueryCrawler Analyses all JSP pages of a webapp and writes the queries found in the pages to a file.

Package org.makumba.devel Description

the makumba developer support, such as MDD, JSP and Java viewers.