Class KruseCalendarEditor

  extended by org.makumba.forms.html.KruseCalendarEditor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KruseCalendarEditor
extends Object
implements CalendarEditorProvider

Implements a calendar editor via a chose pop-up using the library of Matt Kurse -

Field Summary
static String calendarEditorClass
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 StringBuffer formatEditorCode(String inputName, Object formIdentifier, String calendarLinkFormatting)
          Write the code to display the calendar, and to connect it to the input boxes of the Makumba-internal dateEditor.
static CalendarEditorProvider getInstance()
 String[] getNeededJavaScriptFileNames()
          Return an array of file names to libraries that shall be included.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String calendarEditorClass
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public KruseCalendarEditor()
Method Detail


public StringBuffer formatEditorCode(String inputName,
                                     Object formIdentifier,
                                     String calendarLinkFormatting)
Description copied from interface: CalendarEditorProvider
Write the code to display the calendar, and to connect it to the input boxes of the Makumba-internal dateEditor. This method has to provide all needed java-script calls.

Specified by:
formatEditorCode in interface CalendarEditorProvider


public static CalendarEditorProvider getInstance()


public String[] getNeededJavaScriptFileNames()
Description copied from interface: CalendarEditorProvider
Return an array of file names to libraries that shall be included. Makumba could check via page analysis MakumbaJspAnalyzer if the libraries are already included by the programmer, and add them if needed.

Specified by:
getNeededJavaScriptFileNames in interface CalendarEditorProvider