Package org.makumba.forms.tags

Class Summary
ActionTag mak:action tag
AddTag mak:addForm tag
BasicValueTag This is a a base class for InputTag and OptionTag but may be used for other tags that need to compute a value in similar manner (value="$attribute" or value="OQL expr").
ContextualTag mak:rickroll tag, displaying something awesome.
DeleteTag mak:delete tag
EditTag mak:editForm tag
FormTagBase mak:form base tag
Provides generic methods for makumba forms and is itself an implementation of the generic mak:form
InputTag mak:input tag
InputTEI Extra information for input
MatchModeTag Implements a match mode chooser, which can take the form of a select box or a radio button, and allows to select the type of match mode for the enclosing search criterion.
NewTag mak:new tag
OptionTag mak:option tag
ResponseTag mak:response tag, displaying the response of a form submission.
SearchFieldTag This tag implements an input field to be used within search forms.
SearchTag This class provides a search form.
SubmitTag mak:submit tag, to submit forms.

Enum Summary
FormOperationType Form operations supported by Makumba