Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryTag
org.makumba.list.tags Implements the JSP Tag Library to use makumba in JSP pages. 

Uses of QueryTag in org.makumba.list.functions

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions that return QueryTag
protected  QueryTag GenericListValueFunction.getEnclosingList()
          Finds the enclosing mak:list/object

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions with parameters of type QueryTag
protected  void GenericListValueFunction.registerValueAtParentList(PageCache pageCache, String expr, QueryTag parentList)
          Registers this function at the parent/enclosing mak:list/object.

Uses of QueryTag in org.makumba.list.tags

Subclasses of QueryTag in org.makumba.list.tags
 class ObjectTag
          mak:object tag
 class ResultListTag
          This class is a specially tailored mak:list to work on the results from a search form.