Package org.makumba.providers.query.mql

Interface Summary
ASTUtil.FilterPredicate Filters nodes out of a tree.
HqlTokenTypes Makumba adaptation of the original grammar.

Class Summary
ASTUtil Provides utility methods for AST traversal and manipulation.
ASTUtil.IncludePredicate A predicate that uses inclusion, rather than exclusion semantics.
HqlASTFactory User: Joshua Davis
Date: Sep 23, 2005
Time: 12:30:01 PM
HqlBaseLexer Hibernate Query Language Lexer
This lexer provides the HQL parser with tokens.
HqlBaseParser Hibernate Query Language Grammar
This grammar parses the query language for Hibernate (an Open Source, Object-Relational mapping library).
HqlLexer Custom lexer for the HQL grammar.
HqlParser Implements the semantic action methods defined in the HQL base parser to keep the grammar source file a little cleaner.
HqlToken A custom token class for the HQL grammar.
MqlAritmeticNode We need to treat arithmetic operations specially because * an operation with a parameter will determine the parameter type
MqlBinaryOperator Various binary operations.
MqlComparisonNode We need to treat comparisons specially because: 1) a comparison with 'blabla' of an intEnum will be transformed into its int 2) a comparison to a '7charPointer' will be transformed into that value 3) a comparison to a parameter will determine the parameter type
MqlDotNode This is the root of an a.b.c expression.
MQLFunctionArgument Represents a single argument in an MQL function.
MQLFunctionDefinition This class represents an MQL function, with it's name, return type and required arguments.
MQLFunctionRegistry This class provides all known MQL / SQL functions.
MqlIdentNode This is a label used in the SELECT or WHERE of a query TODO issue a warning, and advice to select
MqlLogicalNode We need to treat logical operations specially because * an operation with a parameter will determine the parameter type
MqlNode The root of Mql analysis tree nodes.
MqlQueryAnalysis The hearth of the MQL query analysis and compilation.
MqlSqlBaseWalker Hibernate Query Language to SQL Tree Transform.
MqlSqlGenerator Writing to SQL.
MqlSqlGeneratorBase SQL Generator Tree Parser, providing SQL rendering of SQL ASTs produced by the previous phase, HqlSqlWalker.
MqlSQLParameterTransformer MQL implementation of the SQLParameterTransformer, which generates SQL based on a QueryAnalysis
MqlSqlWalker Analysis operations.
MqlTreePrinter Walks over a first-pass tree and prints the result as MQL query FIXME finish implementing it!
Node Base node class for use by Hibernate within its AST trees.
ParserTest Test the Mql analyzer against a query corpus found in queries.txt.
QueryContext FROM analysis code.