Uses of Class

Packages that use MakumbaJspTestCase
test Contains automated tests for various makumba components. 

Uses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test

Subclasses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test
 class ExceptionTest
          Tests for the way makumba handles expcetions FIXME this appears to be broken, cactus does not proceed the page but instead interrupts execution

Uses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test.tags

Subclasses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test.tags
 class FormsHQLTest
 class FormsOQLTest
 class ListHQLTest
          Tests the HQL list engine.
 class ListOQLTest
          Tests the OQL list engine.
 class MakumbaCommonTagsTest

Uses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test.util

Subclasses of MakumbaJspTestCase in test.util
static class MakumbaJspTestCase.JspTest
static class MakumbaJspTestCase.MakumbaJspTestCaseDecorator

Fields in test.util declared as MakumbaJspTestCase
(package private)  MakumbaJspTestCase MakumbaJspTestCase.MakumbaJspTestCaseDecorator.decorated

Methods in test.util with parameters of type MakumbaJspTestCase
static junit.framework.Test MakumbaJspTestCase.makeJspDirSuite(MakumbaJspTestCase prototype, String queryLang)
          Make a dynamic test suite, from a prototype object by looking into its JSP folder.
static junit.framework.Test MakumbaJspTestCase.makeJspSuite(MakumbaJspTestCase prototype, String queryLang)
          Make a dynamic test suite, from a prototype object.

Constructors in test.util with parameters of type MakumbaJspTestCase
MakumbaJspTestCase.JspTest(MakumbaJspTestCase decorated, String testName)
          decorate a test class to run one of its tests
MakumbaJspTestCase.MakumbaJspTestCaseDecorator(MakumbaJspTestCase decorated)