Uses of Class

Packages that use LogicException
org.makumba Public API for makumba application programmers. 
org.makumba.list.tags Implements the JSP Tag Library to use makumba in JSP pages. 
test Contains automated tests for various makumba components. 

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba

Subclasses of LogicException in org.makumba
 class AttributeNotFoundException
          An exception thrown if an attribute is not found
 class LogicNotFoundException
 class UnauthenticatedException
          An unauthenticated exception, typically due to a missing attribute
 class UnauthorizedException
          An unauthorized exception, due to mismatch of attribute values

Methods in org.makumba that throw LogicException
 Object Attributes.getAttribute(String name)
          Gets the attribute with the given name.
 void Attributes.removeAttribute(String name)
          Removes an attribute
 Object Attributes.setAttribute(String name, Object value)
          Sets the value of an attribute

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.analyser

Methods in org.makumba.analyser that throw LogicException
 int AnalysableTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
          makumba-specific endTag
 int AnalysableTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          makumba-specific startTag.
abstract  Object AnalysableExpression.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
          Resolves the expression at runtime

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.commons.attributes

Methods in org.makumba.commons.attributes that throw LogicException
 Object RequestAttributes.checkLogicForAttribute(String s)
 Object PageAttributes.getAttribute(String s)
 Object RequestAttributes.getAttribute(String s)
static RequestAttributes RequestAttributes.getAttributes(HttpServletRequest req)
 void PageAttributes.removeAttribute(String s)
 void RequestAttributes.removeAttribute(String s)
 Object PageAttributes.setAttribute(String s, Object o)

Constructors in org.makumba.commons.attributes that throw LogicException
RequestAttributes(HttpServletRequest req)
RequestAttributes(Object controller, HttpServletRequest req, String db)

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.controller

Methods in org.makumba.controller that throw LogicException
static Object Logic.computeActor(String attname, Attributes a, String db, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Pointer Logic.doAdd(Object controller, String handlerName, String afterHandlerName, String typename, Pointer p, Dictionary<String,Object> data, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Pointer Logic.doDelete(Object controller, String typename, Pointer p, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Pointer Logic.doEdit(Object controller, String handlerName, String afterHandlerName, String typename, Pointer p, Dictionary<String,Object> data, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static void Logic.doInit(Object controller, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static void Logic.doInit(String path, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Pointer Logic.doNew(Object controller, String handlerName, String afterHandlerName, String typename, Dictionary<String,Object> data, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Object Logic.doOp(Object controller, String opName, Dictionary<String,Object> data, Attributes a, String dbName, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)
static Object Logic.getAttribute(Object controller, String attname, Attributes a, String db, DbConnectionProvider dbcp)

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.db.hibernate

Methods in org.makumba.db.hibernate that throw LogicException
static void HQLQueryProvider.main(String[] args)
          Method for testing the query runner outside a JSP

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.forms.responder

Methods in org.makumba.forms.responder that throw LogicException
abstract  Object ResponderOperation.respondTo(HttpServletRequest req, Responder resp, String suffix, String parentSuffix)
          respond to the given request, with the data from the given responder, read using the given multiple form suffix
 void Responder.setHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest req)
          pass the http request, so the responder computes its default controller and database

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.forms.tags

Methods in org.makumba.forms.tags that throw LogicException
(package private)  int OptionTag.computedValue(Object val, FieldDefinition type)
          A value was computed, do what's needed with it, cleanup and return the result of doMakumbaEndTag()
(package private)  int InputTag.computedValue(Object val, FieldDefinition type)
          A value was computed, do what's needed with it, cleanup and return the result of doMakumbaEndTag()
(package private) abstract  int BasicValueTag.computedValue(Object o, FieldDefinition type)
          A value was computed, do what's needed with it, cleanup and return the result of doMakumbaEndTag()
 int CriterionTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int InputTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int MatchModeTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SubmitTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SearchFieldTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int BasicValueTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SubmitTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int FormTagBase.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets the responder elements, computes the base pointer if needed

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list

Methods in org.makumba.list that throw LogicException
 String ListFormDataProvider.computeBasePointer(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext)
 Object ListFormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list.engine

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine that throw LogicException
static int QueryExecution.computeLimit(PageContext pc, String s, int defaultValue, int defaultNonSpecified)
          Computes the limit from the value passed in the limit tag parameter.
 Grouper ComposedQuery.execute(QueryProvider qep, Map args, ComposedQuery.Evaluator v, int offset, int limit)
          Executes the contained query in the given database
static QueryExecution QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey key, PageContext pageContext, String offset, String limit)
          Gets the QueryExecution for the given key, builds one if needed.
static QueryExecution QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey key, PageContext pageContext, String offset, String limit, String defaultLimit)
          Like QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey, PageContext, String, String), but uses the default values for offset/limit from the list tag.

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer that throw LogicException
 String ValueComputer.getFormattedValue(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
 Object NullableValueComputer.getValue(PageContext pageContext)
          Checks if the iterationGroupData is longer than 1, and throws an exception if so.
 Object SetValueComputer.getValue(PageContext pageContext)
          Goes through the iterationGroupData and returns a vector with the set values.
 Object ValueComputer.getValue(PageContext pc)
          Gets the value of from the QueryExecution based on the projectionIndex
 void SetValueComputer.print(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
          Goes through the iterationGroupData and prints the set values, comma-separated; also sets var (Vector with the set values) and printVar
 void ValueComputer.print(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
          Formats the value of the queryProjection from the currentListData of the enclosing query.
(package private)  QueryExecution QueryValueComputer.runQuery(PageContext pageContext)
          Obtains the iterationGroupData for the valueQuery

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list.functions

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions that throw LogicException
 Object ValueChangeFunctions.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
 Object CountFunctions.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
 Object ValueFunction.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list.pagination

Methods in org.makumba.list.pagination that throw LogicException
 int PaginationTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int PaginationTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.list.tags

Methods in org.makumba.list.tags that throw LogicException
 int SectionTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int QueryTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Decides if there will be any tag iteration.
 int ValueTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Asks the ValueComputer to present the expression
 int ResultListTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SectionTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int IfTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Asks the ValueComputer to calculate the expression, and SKIP_BODY if false.
static int QueryTag.nextCount()
          Gives the total number of iterations of the next iterationGroup.
static int QueryTag.nextCountById(String id)
          Gives the total number of iterations of the next iterationGroup.

Uses of LogicException in org.makumba.providers

Methods in org.makumba.providers that throw LogicException
 String FormDataProvider.computeBasePointer(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext)
 Object FormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
          Returns the value of the currently running tag, for Input and Option tags.
 void FormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
          Computes data at the beginning of form runtime.

Uses of LogicException in test

Methods in test that throw LogicException
 void TestLoginLogic.checkAttributes(Attributes a, Database db)
 void ValidationSubfolderLogic.checkAttributes(Attributes a, Transaction t)
 void ValidationLogic.checkAttributes(Attributes a, Transaction t)
 Object TestLoginLogic.findTestAttribute(Attributes a, Database db)
 void ValidationSubfolderLogic.on_newTestPerson(Pointer p, Dictionary<String,Object> d, Attributes a, Transaction t)
 void ValidationLogic.on_newTestPerson(Pointer p, Dictionary<String,Object> d, Attributes a, Transaction t)