This page explains how a web-app should be configured in order to work properly with Makumba.

Makumba controller filter mapping#

In order to work properly, the following filter should be mapped in WEB-INF/web.xml:

The mappings are needed for the following reasons:
  • *.jsp: to enable authentication/authorisation on JSP page access, and to enable form processing
  • *.jspx: to enable the source-code viewer for JSP files
  • /mak-tools/ and /mak-tools/*: to enable the various Makumba tools, such as the MDD viewer.


The /mak-tools path can be configured in Makumba.conf, see the Makumba tools path configuration


In the first two filter mappings, the <dispatcher> elements are necessary because some servlet containers (e.g. Jetty 7) implement the <welcome-file-list> specification in such a way that an explicit setting is necessary for the filter to take effect on welcome pages.

Category Configuration

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« This page was last updated on July 11 2010