Uses of Class

Packages that use PageCache
org.makumba.list.tags Implements the JSP Tag Library to use makumba in JSP pages. 

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.analyser

Methods in org.makumba.analyser that return PageCache
static PageCache AnalysableElement.getPageCache(HttpServletRequest request, String realPath, JspAnalyzer analyzer)
static PageCache AnalysableElement.getPageCache(PageContext pageContext, JspAnalyzer analyzer)
          Static method to get the PageCache object for the current page.

Methods in org.makumba.analyser with parameters of type PageCache
abstract  void AnalysableExpression.analyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Performs analysis-time operations
static AnalysableTag AnalysableElement.checkTagFound(PageCache pageCache, String attributeName, String attributeValue, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
 int AnalysableTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
          makumba-specific endTag
 int AnalysableTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          makumba-specific startTag.
 void AnalysableTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          End the analysis of the tag, after all tags in the page were visited.
abstract  void AnalysableExpression.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void AnalysableTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Starts the analysis of the tag, without knowing what tags follow it in the page.
protected static TagData AnalysableElement.getElementAfter(PageCache pageCache, ElementData elData, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
protected static TagData AnalysableElement.getElementBefore(PageCache pageCache, ElementData elData, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
protected static AnalysableTag AnalysableElement.getTagByAttribute(PageCache pageCache, String attributeName, String attributeValue, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
protected static AnalysableTag AnalysableElement.getTagById(PageCache pageCache, String id, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
abstract  Object AnalysableExpression.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
          Resolves the expression at runtime
abstract  void AnalysableExpression.setKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void AnalysableTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.commons

Fields in org.makumba.commons declared as PageCache
protected  PageCache ParseStatus.pageCache

Methods in org.makumba.commons with parameters of type PageCache
static String MakumbaJspAnalyzer.getQueryLanguage(PageCache pageCache)
static boolean MakumbaJspAnalyzer.isHQLPage(PageCache pageCache)
static boolean MakumbaJspAnalyzer.isOQLPage(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.commons.tags

Methods in org.makumba.commons.tags with parameters of type PageCache
protected  void GenericMakumbaTag.setType(PageCache pc, String key, FieldDefinition value)
          Sets the type identified by the key of a tag

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.forms.tags

Methods in org.makumba.forms.tags with parameters of type PageCache
 String BasicValueTag.checkPtrExpr(String expr2, PageCache pageCache)
 int CriterionTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int InputTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int ActionTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int MatchModeTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SubmitTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int FormTagBase.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Lets the responder write the pre- and postamble for the form, and writes the bodyContent inside.
 int SearchFieldTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int BasicValueTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int CriterionTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          This always returns EVAL_BODY_TAG so we make sure CriterionTag.doInitBody() is called
 int OptionTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int InputTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int ActionTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          This always returns EVAL_BODY_TAG so we make sure ActionTag.doInitBody() is called
 int SubmitTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int FormTagBase.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets the responder elements, computes the base pointer if needed
 void CriterionTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void InputTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Tells the ValueComputer to finish analysis, and sets the types for var and printVar
 void FormTagBase.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void BasicValueTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Tells the ValueComputer to finish analysis, and sets the types for var and printVar.
 void CriterionTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and associates it with the tagKey
 void OptionTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void InputTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and associates it with the tagKey
 void ActionTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void MatchModeTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void SubmitTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void FormTagBase.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          FIXME QueryExecutionProvider should tell us the syntax for the primary key name
 void SearchFieldTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and associates it with the tagKey
 void BasicValueTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and associates it with the tagKey
 DataDefinition SearchTag.getDataTypeAtAnalysis(PageCache pageCache)
 DataDefinition AddTag.getDataTypeAtAnalysis(PageCache pageCache)
          Tries to figure out the type of the object to which we want to add some data
 DataDefinition FormTagBase.getDataTypeAtAnalysis(PageCache pageCache)
          The basic data type inside the form. null for generic forms
 FieldDefinition CriterionTag.getFieldDefinition(PageCache pageCache)
 HashMap<String,MultipleKey> FormTagBase.getNestedFormNames(PageCache pageCache)
 FieldDefinition CriterionTag.getTypeFromContext(PageCache pageCache)
(package private)  FieldDefinition OptionTag.getTypeFromContext(PageCache pageCache)
(package private)  FieldDefinition InputTag.getTypeFromContext(PageCache pageCache)
(package private) abstract  FieldDefinition BasicValueTag.getTypeFromContext(PageCache pageCache)
 void SearchTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void AddTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.
 void CriterionTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void OptionTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.
 void InputTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.
 void MatchModeTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void NewTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void FormTagBase.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.
 void SearchFieldTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.list

Methods in org.makumba.list with parameters of type PageCache
 DataDefinition ListFormDataProvider.getBasePointerType(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache, String baseObject)
 FieldDefinition ListFormDataProvider.getInputTypeAtAnalysis(AnalysableTag tag, DataDefinition dd, String fieldName, PageCache pageCache)
 FieldDefinition ListFormDataProvider.getTypeOnEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 Object ListFormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
 FieldDefinition ListFormDataProvider.onBasicValueEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onBasicValueStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormEndTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onNonQueryStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String expr)

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer with parameters of type PageCache
 void QueryValueComputer.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          If other ValueComputers sharing the same valueQuery did not analyze it yet, we analyze it here.
 void SetValueComputer.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Computes nameIndex
 void ValueComputer.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Computes the queryProjection index in the currentListData, and the queryProjection type.
 String ValueComputer.getFormattedValue(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
static ValueComputer ValueComputer.getValueComputerAtAnalysis(boolean isValue, MultipleKey parentListKey, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Determines if 'analyzed' is a queryMak:value or a nonQueryMak:value
static boolean ValueComputer.isPointer(PageCache pageCache, MultipleKey parentListKey, String expr)
 void QueryValueComputer.makeQueryAtAnalysis(MultipleKey parentListKey, String keyDifference, String[] queryProps, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a key that adds the given keyDifference to the tagKey of the parentList, and associates with it a subquery of the parentQuery made from the given queryProps.
 void SetValueComputer.print(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
          Goes through the iterationGroupData and prints the set values, comma-separated; also sets var (Vector with the set values) and printVar
 void ValueComputer.print(ValueTag running, PageCache pageCache)
          Formats the value of the queryProjection from the currentListData of the enclosing query.

Constructors in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer with parameters of type PageCache
NullableValueComputer(MultipleKey parentListKey, String nullableExpr, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a query that is identical to the parentQuery, but has expr as projection.
SetValueComputer(boolean isValue, MultipleKey parentListKey, FieldDefinition set, String setExpr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a query that has an extra FROM: the set requested.
ValueComputer(MultipleKey listKey, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          A special ValueComputer made by mak:lists who want to select extra expressions

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.list.functions

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions with parameters of type PageCache
 void ValueChangeFunctions.analyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void CountFunctions.analyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void ValueFunction.analyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void CountFunctions.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void GenericListValueFunction.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Tells the ValueComputer to finish analysis.
protected  void GenericListValueFunction.registerValueAtParentList(PageCache pageCache, String expr, QueryTag parentList)
          Registers this function at the parent/enclosing mak:list/object.
 Object ValueChangeFunctions.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
 Object CountFunctions.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
 Object ValueFunction.resolve(PageContext pc, PageCache pageCache)
 void CountFunctions.setKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void GenericListValueFunction.setKey(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.list.pagination

Methods in org.makumba.list.pagination with parameters of type PageCache
 int PaginationTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int PaginationTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 void PaginationTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void PaginationTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.list.tags

Methods in org.makumba.list.tags with parameters of type PageCache
static ComposedQuery QueryTag.cacheQuery(PageCache pc, MultipleKey key, String[] sections, MultipleKey parentKey)
          Gets a composed query from the cache, and if none is found, creates one and caches it.
 int QueryTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Cleans up variables, especially for the rootList.
 int ResultListTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SectionTag.doAnalyzedEndTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int AttributeTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Asks the enclosing query to present the expression
 int QueryTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Decides if there will be any tag iteration.
 int ValueTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Asks the ValueComputer to present the expression
 int ResultListTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int SectionTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
 int IfTag.doAnalyzedStartTag(PageCache pageCache)
          Asks the ValueComputer to calculate the expression, and SKIP_BODY if false.
 void QueryTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Ends the analysis of the tag, after all tags in the page were visited.
 void ValueTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Tells the ValueComputer to finish analysis, and sets the types for var and printVar.
 void IfTag.doEndAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Tells the ValueComputer to finish analysis, check for proper test result type
 void QueryTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Starts the analysis of the tag, without knowing what tags follow it in the page.
 void ValueTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and caches it with the tagKey
 void ResultListTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void SectionTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
 void IfTag.doStartAnalyze(PageCache pageCache)
          Determines the ValueComputer and associates it with the tagKey .
static MultipleKey QueryTag.getParentListKey(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache)
          Finds the key of the parentList of the Tag
static ComposedQuery QueryTag.getQuery(PageCache pc, MultipleKey key)
          Gets the query for a given key
 void QueryTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Computes and set the tagKey.
 void ValueTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.
 void ResultListTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void SectionTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
 void IfTag.setTagKey(PageCache pageCache)
          Sets tagKey to uniquely identify this tag.

Uses of PageCache in org.makumba.providers

Methods in org.makumba.providers with parameters of type PageCache
 DataDefinition FormDataProvider.getBasePointerType(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache, String baseObject)
          Gives the type corresponding to the base object of a tag, based on its name
 FieldDefinition FormDataProvider.getInputTypeAtAnalysis(AnalysableTag tag, DataDefinition dd, String fieldName, PageCache pageCache)
          Gets the type of an input tag
 FieldDefinition FormDataProvider.getTypeOnEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes the type of the field based on the information collected at analysis.
 Object FormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
          Returns the value of the currently running tag, for Input and Option tags.
 FieldDefinition FormDataProvider.onBasicValueEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes data at the end of BasicValueTag analysis (InputTag, OptionTag)
 void FormDataProvider.onBasicValueStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
          Computes data at the beginning of BasicValueTag analysis (InputTag, OptionTag)
 void FormDataProvider.onFormEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes data at the end of form analysis.
 void FormDataProvider.onFormEndTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void FormDataProvider.onFormStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
          Computes data at the beginning of form analysis.
 void FormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
          Computes data at the beginning of form runtime.
 void FormDataProvider.onNonQueryStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String expr)
          Computes data for analysis start in case of tags which aren't wrapped in a query context (of the kind mak:list).