Uses of Class

Packages that use TagData
org.makumba.devel the makumba developer support, such as MDD, JSP and Java viewers. 

Uses of TagData in org.makumba.analyser

Fields in org.makumba.analyser declared as TagData
 TagData TagData.closingTagData
          The TagData of the tag closing element
 TagData AnalysableTag.tagData
          The TagData object holding the composite data collected by the analysis.

Methods in org.makumba.analyser that return TagData
static TagData AnalysableElement.getCurrentBodyTagData()
          Gets the first tag data found in the stack
protected static TagData AnalysableElement.getElementAfter(PageCache pageCache, ElementData elData, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)
protected static TagData AnalysableElement.getElementBefore(PageCache pageCache, ElementData elData, Class<? extends AnalysableTag> klass)

Methods in org.makumba.analyser with parameters of type TagData
 boolean TagData.afterClosing(TagData el)
          Checks whether this ElementData is declared after the closing tag of the given ElementData
 void TagData.setClosingTagData(TagData closingTagData)
 void AnalysableTag.setTagDataAtAnalysis(TagData tagData)

Uses of TagData in org.makumba.analyser.interfaces

Methods in org.makumba.analyser.interfaces with parameters of type TagData
 void JspAnalyzer.endTag(TagData td, Object status)
          End of a body tag, like
 void JspAnalyzer.simpleTag(TagData td, Object status)
          A simple tag, like <
 void JspAnalyzer.startTag(TagData td, Object status)
          Start of a body tag
 void JspAnalyzer.systemTag(TagData td, Object status)
          A system tag, like <%@

Uses of TagData in org.makumba.commons

Methods in org.makumba.commons with parameters of type TagData
(package private)  void ParseStatus.addTag(AnalysableTag t, TagData td)
          Caches useful information for a tag in its TagData object and caches it in the pageCache.
 void ParseStatus.end(TagData td)
          Handles the end of tags
 void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.endTag(TagData td, Object status)
          Performs analysis for the end of a tag
protected  void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.handleNonMakumbaSystemTags(TagData td, Object status)
          Handles non-mak system tags.
protected  void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.handleNonMakumbaTags(TagData td, Object status)
          Handles non-mak tags.
 void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.simpleTag(TagData td, Object status)
          Performs analysis for a simple tag
 void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.startTag(TagData td, Object status)
          Performs analysis for the start of a tag
 void MakumbaJspAnalyzer.systemTag(TagData td, Object status)
          Performs analysis for a system tag FIXME this should be thought of much more

Uses of TagData in org.makumba.devel

Methods in org.makumba.devel with parameters of type TagData
 void JspxJspAnalyzer.endTag(TagData td, Object status)
          the end of a body tag, like
 void JspxJspAnalyzer.simpleTag(TagData td, Object status)
          a simple tag, like <
 void JspxJspAnalyzer.startTag(TagData td, Object status)
          start a body tag
 void JspxJspAnalyzer.systemTag(TagData td, Object status)
          a system tag, like <%@

Uses of TagData in org.makumba.devel.relations

Methods in org.makumba.devel.relations with parameters of type TagData
protected  void JspRelationsAnalyzer.handleNonMakumbaSystemTags(TagData td, Object status)
protected  void JspRelationsAnalyzer.handleNonMakumbaTags(TagData td, Object status)