Uses of Class

Packages that use MultipleKey
org.makumba.list.tags Implements the JSP Tag Library to use makumba in JSP pages. 

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.analyser

Fields in org.makumba.analyser declared as MultipleKey
protected  MultipleKey AnalysableExpression.key
 MultipleKey AnalysableTag.tagKey
          A tag key, used to find cached resources.

Methods in org.makumba.analyser that return MultipleKey
 MultipleKey AnalysableExpression.getKey()
 MultipleKey AnalysableTag.getTagKey()
          Gets the key that identifies this makumba tag

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.commons

Fields in org.makumba.commons declared as MultipleKey
protected  MultipleKey Vertex.tagKey

Methods in org.makumba.commons that return MultipleKey
 MultipleKey[] GraphTS.getSortedKeys()

Methods in org.makumba.commons with parameters of type MultipleKey
 int GraphTS.addVertex(MultipleKey tagKey)

Constructors in org.makumba.commons with parameters of type MultipleKey
Vertex(MultipleKey tagKey)

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.forms.tags

Methods in org.makumba.forms.tags that return types with arguments of type MultipleKey
 HashMap<String,MultipleKey> FormTagBase.getNestedFormNames(PageCache pageCache)

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.list

Methods in org.makumba.list that return MultipleKey
 MultipleKey ListFormDataProvider.getParentListKey(AnalysableTag tag)

Methods in org.makumba.list with parameters of type MultipleKey
 String ListFormDataProvider.computeBasePointer(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext)
 FieldDefinition ListFormDataProvider.getTypeOnEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 Object ListFormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
 FieldDefinition ListFormDataProvider.onBasicValueEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onBasicValueStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormEndTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void ListFormDataProvider.onNonQueryStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String expr)

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.list.engine

Fields in org.makumba.list.engine declared as MultipleKey
(package private)  MultipleKey[] Grouper.keyStack

Fields in org.makumba.list.engine with type parameters of type MultipleKey
 HashMap<MultipleKey,Object> QueryExecution.valueQueryData
          Stores the data for queryData

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine that return MultipleKey
protected  MultipleKey Grouper.getKey(int n, Object[] data)
          Get the bunch of values associated with the keyset with the given index

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine with parameters of type MultipleKey
static QueryExecution QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey key, PageContext pageContext, String offset, String limit)
          Gets the QueryExecution for the given key, builds one if needed.
static QueryExecution QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey key, PageContext pageContext, String offset, String limit, String defaultLimit)
          Like QueryExecution.getFor(MultipleKey, PageContext, String, String), but uses the default values for offset/limit from the list tag.

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer

Fields in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer declared as MultipleKey
(package private)  MultipleKey ValueComputer.parentKey
          The key of the parentList
(package private)  MultipleKey QueryValueComputer.queryKey
          The key of the generated query

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer that return MultipleKey
(package private)  MultipleKey QueryValueComputer.getQueryKey()
          The key of the query in which this value is a projection.
(package private)  MultipleKey ValueComputer.getQueryKey()
          The key of the query in which this value is a projection.

Methods in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer with parameters of type MultipleKey
static ValueComputer ValueComputer.getValueComputerAtAnalysis(boolean isValue, MultipleKey parentListKey, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Determines if 'analyzed' is a queryMak:value or a nonQueryMak:value
static boolean ValueComputer.isPointer(PageCache pageCache, MultipleKey parentListKey, String expr)
 void QueryValueComputer.makeQueryAtAnalysis(MultipleKey parentListKey, String keyDifference, String[] queryProps, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a key that adds the given keyDifference to the tagKey of the parentList, and associates with it a subquery of the parentQuery made from the given queryProps.

Constructors in org.makumba.list.engine.valuecomputer with parameters of type MultipleKey
NullableValueComputer(MultipleKey parentListKey, String nullableExpr, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a query that is identical to the parentQuery, but has expr as projection.
SetValueComputer(boolean isValue, MultipleKey parentListKey, FieldDefinition set, String setExpr, PageCache pageCache)
          Makes a query that has an extra FROM: the set requested.
ValueComputer(MultipleKey listKey, String expr, PageCache pageCache)
          A special ValueComputer made by mak:lists who want to select extra expressions

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.list.functions

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions that return MultipleKey
protected static MultipleKey GenericListValueFunction.computeKey(String expr, MultipleKey parentListKey)
          computes the key for this function from the expression and the key of the enclosing mak:list/object
protected static MultipleKey GenericListValueFunction.getRunningListKey(PageContext pageContext)
          retrieve the key of the current mak:list from the stack of lists

Methods in org.makumba.list.functions with parameters of type MultipleKey
protected static MultipleKey GenericListValueFunction.computeKey(String expr, MultipleKey parentListKey)
          computes the key for this function from the expression and the key of the enclosing mak:list/object
protected static ValueComputer GenericListValueFunction.getValueComputer(String expr, PageContext pageContext, MultipleKey parentListKey)
          retrieve the value computer for the expression from the pageCache

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.list.tags

Methods in org.makumba.list.tags that return MultipleKey
static MultipleKey QueryTag.getParentListKey(AnalysableTag tag, PageCache pageCache)
          Finds the key of the parentList of the Tag

Methods in org.makumba.list.tags that return types with arguments of type MultipleKey
static Stack<MultipleKey> QueryTag.getRunningQueryTagStack(PageContext pageContext)
          Gets the stack of currently running (nested) Query Tags from the pageContext

Methods in org.makumba.list.tags with parameters of type MultipleKey
static ComposedQuery QueryTag.cacheQuery(PageCache pc, MultipleKey key, String[] sections, MultipleKey parentKey)
          Gets a composed query from the cache, and if none is found, creates one and caches it.
static ComposedQuery QueryTag.getQuery(PageCache pc, MultipleKey key)
          Gets the query for a given key

Uses of MultipleKey in org.makumba.providers

Methods in org.makumba.providers that return MultipleKey
 MultipleKey FormDataProvider.getParentListKey(AnalysableTag tag)

Methods in org.makumba.providers with parameters of type MultipleKey
 String FormDataProvider.computeBasePointer(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext)
 FieldDefinition FormDataProvider.getTypeOnEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes the type of the field based on the information collected at analysis.
 Object FormDataProvider.getValue(MultipleKey tagKey, PageContext pageContext, PageCache pageCache)
          Returns the value of the currently running tag, for Input and Option tags.
 FieldDefinition FormDataProvider.onBasicValueEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes data at the end of BasicValueTag analysis (InputTag, OptionTag)
 void FormDataProvider.onBasicValueStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String ptrExpr)
          Computes data at the beginning of BasicValueTag analysis (InputTag, OptionTag)
 void FormDataProvider.onFormEndAnalyze(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache)
          Computes data at the end of form analysis.
 void FormDataProvider.onFormEndTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
 void FormDataProvider.onFormStartTag(MultipleKey tagKey, PageCache pageCache, PageContext pageContext)
          Computes data at the beginning of form runtime.
 void FormDataProvider.onNonQueryStartAnalyze(AnalysableTag tag, boolean isNull, MultipleKey parentFormKey, PageCache pageCache, String expr)
          Computes data for analysis start in case of tags which aren't wrapped in a query context (of the kind mak:list).