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Taglib documentation for tag mak:form#


Creates a generic form, that may call a handler method in response. It allows the JSP author to make any kind of form. They are suitable for more complex operations than new, add, edit.


Name Required Runtime expression Description Comments
handler false false
the Java method that handles the response
Arguments: (Dictionary<String, Object> formFields, Attributes restOfArguments, Transaction t)
Not mandatory. A form without handler will simply set attributes (as makumba objects) for the next page
action false true
the response page of the form
Mandatory if a <mak:action> is absent
method false true
the HTTP method (get or post)
Defaults to get
name false true
the name of the form
Optional name of the form, used to identify it by other makumba tags
message false true
the message that is displayed in the response page upon success
Defaults to "changes done".
db false true
The makumba database to connect to. The format is Host_SQLEngineType_DatabaseName If not present, the default database is used. See database configuration and lookup.
Cannot contain attributes, for now. The default database is chosen if this argument is not set. Can only be set for top-level (root) query tags Can be a Rtexpr <%= ...%>
annotation false true
Indicates whether validation errors should be shown in the form, or be displayed in the <mak:response/>.
Taken into account only if reloadFormOnError is not set to false. Values are none (displayed in <mak:response/>), before (before the input), after (after the input) or both (displayed both before and after the input). Defaults to none.
annotationSeparator false true
Prints the given separator between the annotation and the input field.
Also HTML can be used, e.g. printing an error icon.
reloadFormOnError false true
Indicates whether the form page shall be reloaded on an error, or the specified form action page will be loaded directly.
Values are true or false; defaults to false.
clientSideValidation false true
Controls whether client side validation shall be used.
Values are false (off), true (on submission) or live (while tpying).
multipleSubmitErrorMsg false true
Enables multiple form submission prevention, and sets the given value as the error message.

triggerEvent false true
Name of the event to be raised after successful AJAX submission of the form
In case of a successful response, the event is fired.
operation false true
Used to specify a form operation, as an alternative to using mak:newForm and mak:editForm
Values are 'new' and 'edit', $attributes are allowed
target false true
Form-specific HTML tag attribute
The content is copied to the resulting <form...> tag. Careful with (escaping) quotes.
onReset false true
onSubmit false true
styleId false true
Generic HTML tag attribute
results in id="..."
style false true
Generic HTML tag attribute
The content is copied to the resulting html tag. Careful with (escaping) quotes.
title false true
onClick false true
onDblClick false true
onKeyDown false true
onKeyUp false true
onKeyPress false true
onMouseDown false true
onMouseUp false true
onMouseMove false true
onMouseOut false true
onMouseOver false true

See also#

mak:input, mak:newForm, mak:addForm, mak:editForm, mak:deleteLink, mak:delete


<mak:object from="company.Employee e" where="e=$employee">
    <mak:form handler="doSomething" action="employeeView.jsp" method="post">
        <mak:input name="xxx" value="e.salary"/>
        <input type=submit value="Do something">

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« This page was last updated on August 1 2010