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Taglib documentation for tag mak:input#


An input field to be created, depending on the makumba type of the field.

Set and pointer inputs will render as select boxes. Sometimes you may need to use two select boxes whereby the user can move items from one box to the other, which is illustrated in this example.

Date inputs are slightly different than normal inputs, as they are rendered with several input fields (for the day, month, year, hours, minutes and second, depending on the date/time format). Additionally, a JavaScript-based calendar widget can be used, as shown in an example.

The difference between <mak:input> and normal HTML <input> in a makumba form are:

  • <mak:input> produces objects prepared for setting/comparing makumba fields (e.g. Pointer, Date, Text).
  • the fields produced by <input> will be available as page $attributes but will all be of type String
  • the fields produced by <mak:input> are available separately as a Dictionary to the handler method


Name Required Runtime expression Description Comments
field false false
Makumba field (from the edited record or via base pointers or sub-record pointers)
Either name or field attribute mandatory
name false false
Makumba field (from the edited record or via base pointers or sub-record pointers)
Either name or field attribute mandatory
value false false
MQL expression relative to enclosing query tags or a $attribute computed previously in the page (with <mak:value var=.../>, pageContext.setAttribute(...), or read by in the previous page by an <mak:input />)

default false true

empty false true

dataType false false
The makumba type of the data (needed if there is no value, no default expression for the value, or no makumba type associated with an attribute)
Can be char, char[xx], int, date, text, ptr Type, set Type
display false true
If "false", it will not show the <input> but it will expect to read it in the next page. This allows the page designer to format the input control manually

format false false
Format string, according to java.text.SimpleDateFormat Can only countain d, M, y, H, m, s formatting chars, and any kind of separators. Ex: 'the day' dd 'of the month' MMMM 'in the year' yyyy. Default is "dd MMMM yyyy"
Only for date.
type false false
HTML INPUT type to be used
  • "hidden" works for all fields
  • for char, type can be "text" or "password", default is "text"
  • default type for [set]intEnum, [set]charEnum, ptr and set is "select" (dropdown or scroll list depending on size). Alternative is "tickbox" (checkboxes or radio buttons). Can be forced to a specific type by using "radio" or "checkbox"
  • for set, type can be seteditor, which will create two multiple-select boxes (see an example).
  • for int, spinner creates a spinner input with increase/decrease buttons; if a validation definition defines a range for the field, select and radio will create select boxes and radio buttons.
  • date is split in 3 inputs, <fieldname>_0 (day), _1 (month), _2 (year), and likewise for time elements
  • for text, default is "textarea"; "file" will create file upload box, and will create supplementary attributes <fieldname>_filename, <fieldname>_contentType and <fieldname>_contentLength that have to be handled separately by the handler method
  • for file, a file upload box will automatically created, and handling of file name, content type and length will be done automatically.

stepSize false false
For int data with type select or radio, the step size defines the steps between each option. The default stepsize is 1.
Only for int with type=select/radio.
calendarEditor false false
Whether to generate code for a calendar editor.
Only for date types. Defaults to true resp. the default value specified in the Makumba configuration.
calendarEditorLink false false
The formatting that appears on the link to the calendar date-chooser.
Only for date types. Defaults to <img border="0" src="_CONTEXT_PATH_/mak-tools/makumbaResources/image/calendar.gif">
autoComplete false false
Enables auto-completion
Works only for char and ptr.
size false true
Size of the input control
Only for char, int (size of the textbox) and set, ptr (height of the select)
maxlength false true
Max length of a text control
Only for char and int. Defaults to makumba width of the char
rows false true
Number of textarea rows and columns
only for text
cols false true
Number of textarea rows and columns
only for text
nameVar false false
The name of the java variable in which to store the name of the HTML input. In multiple forms, there may be more HTML inputs generated by one mak:input, so a suffix is added by makumba to the name to generate unique names for each.

nullOption false false
A text that would be displayed as the "null option" in drop-down boxes, i.e. to add a null value to the other possible options. May be used to allow a ptr to be set to null, and/or require a deliberate action from the users to select a value, rather leaving the default (first) value selected.
Only for ptr and intEnum types
labelSeparator false true
The string that separates the tickbox (radio/check) from the label. Default is " " (space). The output will be < tick >< labelSeparator >< label >
Only for type="tickbox"
elementSeparator false true
The string that separates the different options. Default is " " (space). The output will be < [x] label >< elementSeparator >< [x] label >
Only for type="tickbox"
clearDefault false true
Enable this to hide the default text of an input onFocus and display it again onBlur if nothing has been entered.

accessKey false true
Input-specific HTML tag attribute
The content is copied to the resulting <input...> tag. Careful with (escaping) quotes.
disabled false true
onChange false true
onBlur false true
onFocus false true
onSelect false true
tabIndex false true
(from mak:form)
false true
Generic HTML tag attribute
results in class="..."
(from mak:form)
false true
Generic HTML tag attribute
The content is copied to the resulting html tag. Careful with (escaping) quotes.
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true
(from mak:form)
false true

See also#

mak:form, mak:newForm, mak:addForm, mak:editForm, mak:deleteLink, mak:delete


<mak:object from="company.Employee e" where="e=$employee">
    <mak:editForm object="e" action="employeeView.jsp" method="post">
        Name      <mak:input name="name"/>
        Surname   <mak:input name="surname"/>
        Gender    <mak:input name="gender" type="tickbox" />
        DOB       <mak:input name="birthdate" format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
        Projects  <mak:input name="projects" type="seteditor"/>

Category Documentation

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« This page was last updated on August 1 2010